Horizonte Derramado starts from a practice, a habit, or should I say, a way of being in the world: breathing and letting breathe.
Daniela seeks out and instigates contact zones that spill over, that go beyond the physical limits of each material without, despite everything, one overlapping the other.
In her work, she insists on putting things in contact, in places, waiting, and seeing what happens, how it happens. With minimal but constant assistance, almost like a mediator, Daniela watches the silks and iron sheets with the original care of someone who builds bonds, affections and relationships.
The rust molecules, cared for down to the last detail - and at the same time allowed to breathe - are the result of the relationships that are shown in the silks, however long the printing takes.
Respect for the process, for waiting, for observation and for the flexibility of limits: accepting that sometimes breath take us to places we didn't expect, but that without them we wouldn't have the oxygen to go where we finally want to go.
Exhibition text by Sofia Marques